
New for 2011! Cash Prizes for Winning Teams!

New for 2011! Cash Prizes for Winning Teams!

Breakdown of the Cash Prizes for the winning teams for all divisions!

In any division that consists of Four Teams the Cash Prize is $40 per team
or $10 per person up to four players.

In any division that consists of Five Teams the Cash Prize is $80 per team
or $20 per person up to four players.

In any division that consists of Six Teams the Cash Prize is $120 per team
or $30 per person up to four players


If the division decides:

First Place gets $80 per team or $20 per person up to four players.


Second Place gets $40 per team or $10 per person up to four players.

In any division that consists of Seven Teams the Cash Prize is $160 per team
or $40 per person up to four players


If the division decides:

First Place gets $120 per team or $30 per person up to four players.


Second Place gets $40 per team or $10 per person up to four players.

If we get Eight teams in a division, I will let you know on the day of the tournament what the cash prize distribution breakdown amounts to...it would be $200 per team or $50 per person up to four players.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! Richard, Can you bring this volleyball action to Wichita, Kansas? We sorely need this!

